ideas for autism research

Improvement seen in just 5 day after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Autism by Dr Alok Sharma, Mumba [...]
This is an interview of Minna Huotilainen and Vesa Putkinen on their research study published in EJN [...]
Full story: [...] The Aut [...]
Improvement seen in just 3 months after Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Autism with MR by Dr Alok Sh [...]
Dr. Pekka Sinervo, Senior Vice-President of Research for the Canadian Institute for Advanced Researc [...]
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Eye-tracking has long been used as a diagnostic tool for research. It allows us to examine eye movem [...] What is autism and how does it happen. Most people believe there is [...]
She is having autism. She has been diagnosed as autism when she was one and half years old. She was [...]
Dr. Pekka Sinervo, Senior Vice-President of Research for the Canadian Institute for Advanced Researc [...] Research has spread in many differ [...] Treatment for autism focuses primarily on autism as a brain-based di [...]
Autism in Children increases each year. Many argue that this is not a real increase because diagnost [...]