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Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger's videos at Donate at http://bi [...]
Dr Martin Fried Pediatric Gastroenterologist and Physician Nutrition Specialist discusses gluten and [...]
An interview with Kristin Selby Gonzalez by Peter Lorince. Kristin talks about Gluten free diet, ADD [...]
In a baseline analysis of the faecal microbiota composition of 161 older persons, we previously repo [...]
Science for the Public's Contemporary Science Issues & Innovations, 7/23/13. Marc Weisskopf, PhD [...]
"I'm pure geek, pure logic," says Temple Grandin, author of many books on animal welfare and on auti [...]
Round Table: The science and fiction of Autism N. Minshew - Guarda il programma completo e i video d [...]
From Quantum Health Research Institute experiment using Double Helix or Stable Water Cluster. Subjec [...]
Visit This Website For More Information about Islam And Muslims. Thank You Br [...]
Millie Jimenez discusses her twin boys' improvements after they both underwent stem cell therapy for [...]
In September 2009 Lachlan and his mother traveled to Qingdao China for Lachlan to receive injections [...]
DR. WAHAAB'S PRANIC ACUPUNCTURE TREATS AUTISM ... CALL: 98415 12130 / 92821 12130. [...]
He is a known case of Autism with history of full term caesarean section delivery and cried immediat [...]
AUTISM is a disorder of neural development characterized by IMPAIRED SOCIAL INTERACTION AND VERBAL A [...]
Dr. Wang warns parents to get their children evaluated early if they are concerned about autism. Ear [...]
Decoding Autism, with Emmy Award-winning journalist Sara Lee Kessler, is an hour-long documentary th [...]
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Cerebral Atrophy by Dr Alok Sharma. Patient came with history of imb [...] Did you know that in fact you have two brains. Yes, the one in your h [...]
Made by Tom Vanden Berghe - Imaging Core Facility, VIB-UGent, Belgium using the Leica Application So [...]
As the results of oxidative stress accumulate, the cells start to lose function. In this example, mi [...]
This is a neuromuscular illness where the neurotransmitters are affected. It is also called "jerky S [...]
Bio-Medical Treatments Let Zeb's Brilliance Shine Through. Bio-Medical Intervention for Autism Spect [...]