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Donwload Here http://tinyurl.com/o8w6o92Download Having Epilepsy: The Experience and Control of Illn [...]
Gaining control of our minds, bodies, and life is what biohackers do in order to perform our best. I [...]
Please like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/StanfordWsdmCenter 4th Annual Stanford Women' [...]
Persistent Organic Pollutants (pops) are long-lived environmental toxins that are causing many healt [...]
APPETITE is a sensation experienced with eating, however, it differs from hunger; it is the desire t [...]
Jere Mitchell, UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA, delivers The Physiological Society's Paton Prize [...]
On June 18, neurosurgeons at the University of Alabama at Birmingham implanted a new type of electri [...]
http://www.ibiomagazine.org/index.php/issues/december-2010-issue/cynthia-kenyon In the early 1990s, [...]
Wageningen UR and ICIPE are testing a new method to combat malaria on Rusinga Island in Kenya, by ca [...]
Jonathan C. Edwards, M.D., Director of MUSC's Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, who participated in the [...]
Majid Ali, M.D. * Control of Nausea of Alcohol Withdrawal *** FREE Blog at www aliacademy org I rela [...]
Watch the presentation: http://www.vhir.org/global/pdf/noticies/ivan%20t.pdf VHIR Seminar led by Iva [...]